日本当代艺术博览会,艺术千代田3331艺术博览会(3331 ART FAIR)2020年3月18日~3月22日期间开展。

京都艺术造型大学教授Yanagi Miwa的作品
千代田3331艺术博览会2020的参展艺术家有2017年代表日本馆艺术家参加威尼斯双年展的岩崎贵宏,东京艺术大学教授Ojun,小林正人,东京艺术大学教授摄影艺术家铃木理策,新媒体艺术家Sputuniko!,在以日本美术馆策展人推荐的方式参展的艺术家有日本艺术家江上越. 推荐版块是在3331艺术博览会的特点,这次3331博览会的推荐人都是以日本重要策展人为组织,其中有千叶市美术馆畑井惠,金泽21世纪美术馆策展人高桥洋介,角川文化振兴财团策展人宫本武典,东京艺术大学荒木夏实,爱知三年展策展人饭田志保子,大田市美术馆策展人小金泽智,东京都美术馆策展人井波吉太郎,美术评论家首都大学副教授楠见清,大阪中之岛美术馆策展人大下裕司,爱知省美术馆策展人中村史子等等。的疫情之下现场的对谈部分取消,大部分改为直播的方式。



《擦肩而过的诱惑-11》 油画 ⓒEtsuEgami

《擦肩而过的诱惑 -17》 油画 ⓒEtsuEgami
3331艺术博览会中日本重要藏家给与艺术家的藏家奖深受关注。日本藏家奖(ART COLLECTOR’S PRIZE)是由日本艺术界的重要藏家组织,如川村DIC集团,川村美术馆董事长川村喜久,株式会社SMILES社长远山正道,AG拍卖公司社长柴山哲治,Tagboat社长德光健治,船山会计士事务所船山雅史,建设公司社长山本谦一等等。
千叶市美术馆策展人畑井惠推荐的江上越的作品《擦肩而过的诱惑》获得藏家奖(ART COLLECTOR’S PRIZE)。
江上越1994年出生与日本。留学北京中央美术学院,德国HFG(The Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design)、目前在中央美术学院攻读博士课程。基于自身丰富的海外体验重新思考人类交流的可能性,从语言学到社会学,人类学,哲学等各种学术领域辛勤探索,她通过语言的起源探讨人的本性,反思语言导致的社会。她的每一个艺术「项目」,积累了大量的在地性现场调查和文献资料,用更宏观的角度,以交流的主题为主线,一个个不断深入,在国际上得到高度的评价。作为最年轻的艺术家入围Sovereign Art Foundation的亚洲杰出艺术家2020 Finalsit其作品被莫斯科车库美术馆收藏。最近举办了日本白石画廊银座本馆的个展“江上越展:你的名字?”,“In to the light…Etsu Egami solo show”(德国)、“Dialogue beyond 400 years”(伦敦)、“This is not a Mis-hearing game”(北京德萨画廊)、“对话4000年-江上越个展”(日本千叶市艺术文化新人奖获奖项目)等个展。

日本文化厅 林保太与江上越


博览会现场 左边是岩崎贵宏的作品 中间是铃木理策的作品

2017年威尼斯双年展日本馆艺术家 岩崎贵宏的作品
3331 ART FAIR 2020
会場:3331 Arts Chiyoda
Etsu Egami got the Japanese Collector’s Prize in 3331 ARTFAIR

3331 ARTFAIR in Arts Chiyoda 3331
3331 ARTFAIR 2020
Japan contemporary art fair, Arts Chiyoda3331 Art Fair (3331 Art Fair) was held from March 18 to March 22, 2020.
During the exhibition period of Chiyoda 3331 art fair, which opened under the epidemic situation, the visitors' flow was reduced by means of reservation. Chiyoda 3331 Art Fair is the only one in Japan that only focuses on contemporary art. At the opening of the exhibition, most of the key figures in the art filed of Japan attended. For example, Yoshihisa Kawamura the director of Kawamura DIC Memorial Museum of Art,,Nakamura Masato chairman of 3331 art exhibition Committee, Professor of Tokyo University of art, Masamichi Toyama CEO of smiles company,Rie Tamura curator of Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum, Chief curator of Shiseido,Yoshihiko Sano ceo of Yasui construction company, development Tomoo Sakurauchi from director of Sumitomo business company, Yasuki Tamaki president of Japan agriculture and forestry relaxation business group,Yuki Taiji producer of room 2021 of kokkawa group,Koichi Kaneko director of Art Department of Japan Bridge of Takashima department store group,Kazuya Sugawa executive member of Yasuda real estate, Ishinabe Hiroko onepiece club, on behalf of etc., during the exhibition period,Yasutaka Hayashi from Agency for culture affair Japanese Government, Norio Nakamura designer, Masashi Funayama CEO of Funayama accounting firm, Yamamoto Kenichi President of the construction company , Takamine curator of Art Museum Mito, Megumi Hatai curator of Chiba City Museum, Shibayama Trtsuji President of Ag auction company,Tokumitsu Kenji President Tagboat , Syunichi Kazasawa President of Kazasawa and Co.,ltd, Yoshiyuki Oshita director of National Art Museum, Jyunichi Mori from universalmusic record company, etc...

3331 ARTFAIR in Arts Chiyoda 3331
In 2020, the participating artists of Chiyoda 3331 Art Expo include Takahiro Iwasaki, the artists participate in Venice Biennale in 2017, OJUN, Masaru Kobayashi, Suzuki Risaku, and sputuniko, who are professors of Tokyo University of art. Etsu Egami, a Japanese artist, who was chosenas the reccommndtation section by the curators CCMA museum in Japan. The recommended section is the feature of the 3331 Art Expo. The recommenders of the 3331 Expo are all organized by important Japanese curators, including Megumi Hatai, Chiba City Museum of Art, Yosuke Takahashi curator of Kanazawa 21st century art museum, Takenori Miyamoto curator of Kadokawa culture revitalization consortium, Natsumi Araki, curator of Aichi triennial exhibition,Satoshi Koganesawa Curator of OTA Ctiy Art Museum,Yoshitaro Inami curator of Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum, Yuji Otomo curator of Nakanoshima Art Museum Osaka, Yoshko Nakamura curator of Aichi prefecture Art Museum, etc. Under the epidemic situation, the on-site talks were partially cancelled, and most of them were lived as broadcast.

Etsu Egami art wotk gat the Japanese Collector’s Prize

Yoshihisa Kawamura Director of Kawamura DIC Memorial Museum of Art and Etsu Egami

Etsu Egami art work

Etsu Egami art work
In the 3331 art fair, the collectors award given by the important collectors of Japan to the artists is deeply concerned. The art collector's prize are juryed by an important organization of collectors in the Japanese art field, such as Kawamura Yoshihisa who is chairman of Kawamura DIC Group, Masamichi Toyama President of smiles Co., Ltd.,Tetsuji Shibayama President of AG auction company, Kenji Tokumitsu CEO of Tagboat, Masashi Funayama President of Funayama accounting firm, Kenichi Yamamoto CEO of construction company, etc...
Art work "The temptation of passing by" by Etsu EGAMI, recommended by Megumi Hataii, curator of Chiba CIty Museum of Art Museum, got the Japanese collector’s prize.
Etsu Egami was born in Japan, in 1994. She studied abroad at HfG Karlsruhe (The Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design). in Germany, Central Academy of Fine Art in Beijing. Currently, she studies at the Central Academy of fine arts for a doctor’s degree. She reconsiders the possibility of communication from her wide experience of oversea, and studies from various academic fields such as linguistics to sociology, anthropology, and philosophy including the origin of languages. Particularly, she devotes herself to a reconsideration of society by words. Her “project” gained international acclaim for the site-specific field survey and documentation. And those factors have deepened the theme of “communication” and highly praised internationally.
As the youngest artist, she was shortlisted for a sovereign art foundation as an Asian Art Prise2019 finalist, also as an outstanding Asian artist, her works were collected by the Moscow Garage Museum of Art. Most recently, solo exhibitions such as “In to the light… Etsu Egami solo show” (Germany), “Dialogue beyond 400 years” (London), “This is not a Mis-hearing game” (Beijing), “Dialogue-4,000 years-Etsu Egami Exhibition” (Chiba City Art and Culture Newcomer Award Winning Project) were held. In addition, her graduation works received a prize and collected by the Museum of the University.

Mr.Hayashi from Culture department of Japanese government
Etsu EGAMI’s recommender is Megumi Hatai, curator of Chiba City Museum of Art, which is one of the important contemporary art museums in Japan. About recommending Etsu EGAMI, Hatai said,
“Dauntless yet delicate strokes. Figurative or abstract? Animate or inanimate? Depending on the distance and angle at which this painting is viewed, its appearance, even the impression of the coloring, changes quite significantly.
Egami was born and raised in Chiba. She went on to the Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing to study oil painting from an East Asian perspective. Motivated by actual experiences of mishearing due to differences in language, she continues to produce works on the theme of cognition through communication. Having portrayed others with a creativity inspired by trivial discords in her everyday life, Egami confronts her own childhood in this work.
There exists a gap we all come up against when confronting someone, be it another person or even ourselves. Egami takes communication as her subject not in an effort to bring one another closer but rather to acknowledge that fundamental distance. Through careful examination of that gap and confirmation of its border, there are also forms that surface of their own accord. Egami’s thinly painted translucent canvases allow us to plunge into the depths of the artist’s never-ending pursuit of communication.”

Art wotk by Professor of Art University of Tokyo,sputuniko!

Art wotk by Professor of Art University of Tokyo,Risaku Suzuki

Art wotk by Takahiro Iwasaki
The history and transformation of art 3331
On March 2010, Arts Chiyoda 3331 opened in Akihabara as a new art center. After the renovation of old middle school, the center is dominated by artists, with private participation and cross field style. It is the center of Japan, as well as Tokyo, East of Asia, and an art space of the 21st century type. Art millennia 3331 is an art center set up in an area where all kinds of people with local residents as the center can have daily access to a variety of cultural and artistic activities. There are galleries and offices in the classroom space. In addition, in the community space and coffee shop , you can spend free time such as self-study, reading, meeting, etc. The facilities are connected to the park by wooden deck. There are many people resting between work and walking. It is a comfortable space.
Arts Chiyoda 3331, located near Akihabara, the center of anime and J-Pop cultural , is a unique spot where you can feel the diverse culture of Tokyo and enjoy art in a quiet atmosphere